Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control

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Lawn Pest Control Services - Moles and Rodents

Learn how to control Pests in your Lawn

Enjoy a pest free lawn thanks to Prevent-A-Pest. A healthy, beautiful lawn doesn't happen by accident. We utilize modern, time-released, odorless lawn care chemicals, making our lawn pest control service safer and more effective than ever!

Lawn Pest Nightmare. Weeds, fungus, and a lack of nutrition collaborate with insects such as ants and fleas to turn good lawns into a nightmare!

Say Goodbye To Lawn Pests. We offer Full Lawn Service to protect your turf from these pests, and gives it nutrients to grow into a healthy, green lawn. Together with proper watering and mowing practices, our Full Lawn Service is an essential part of good lawn care for yards that are susceptible to common lawn pests.

We can protect you from Lawn & Ornamental Pests like ants, fleas, roaches, Spiral Whitefly, Fig Whitefly, and more. We offer professional Lawn Care in Jupiter & Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington & Loxahatchee, Plantation & Sunrise. We service all of Palm Beach County, FL.

Whitefly Pest Management

Spiral Whitefly: A Threat to Palm Beach County Trees

Spiral whitefly is a small, sap-sucking insect that is a major pest of trees in Palm Beach County, Florida. It can infest a wide variety of trees, including gumbo limbo, black olive, copperleaf, arrowhead, coloplum, and mango. The best way to manage spiral whitefly is with early detection and intervention. If you see any signs of infestation, such as yellowing leaves or a sticky substance on the leaves, call a pest control professional immediately.

Spiral whitefly lays its eggs in a spiral pattern on the underside of leaves. The eggs are covered with a waxy substance that makes them difficult to see. The larvae hatch from the eggs and feed on the sap of the leaves. This can weaken the trees and make them more susceptible to other pests and diseases.

If spiral whitefly is not controlled, it can cause significant damage to trees. In severe cases, it can even kill trees. If you are concerned about spiral whitefly infestation, please contact a pest control professional. They can help you identify the problem and develop a treatment plan.

Here are some additional tips for preventing spiral whitefly infestation:

  • Water your trees deeply and regularly. This will help to make the trees more resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Prune your trees regularly to remove dead or diseased branches. This will help to improve air circulation and reduce the chances of pest infestation.
  • Inspect your trees regularly for signs of pests or diseases. If you see anything suspicious, contact a pest control professional immediately.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your trees from spiral whitefly infestation.

Fig Whitefly Management

Fig Whitefly: A Pest of Ficus Hedges in Palm Beach County

Fig whitefly is a small, sap-sucking insect that can infest ficus hedges and trees in Palm Beach County, Florida. The infestation can cause the leaves to drop, which can make the hedges less effective as a privacy barrier.

Prevent-A-Pest offers a systemic drench treatment that can help prevent or eradicate fig whitefly infestations. The treatment is applied to the roots of the plants, which helps to kill the whiteflies before they can lay eggs. This treatment is effective and safe for the environment.

In addition to the systemic drench treatment, there are a few other things that can be done to prevent fig whitefly infestations. These include:

  • Watering the hedges deeply and regularly.
  • Pruning the hedges regularly to remove dead or diseased branches.
  • Inspecting the hedges regularly for signs of infestation.

If you notice signs of a fig whitefly infestation, it is important to contact a pest control professional as soon as possible. They can help you identify the problem and develop a treatment plan.

Here are the plants that are commonly affected by fig whitefly:

  • Ficus tree / hedge
  • Gold mound

Fig Whitefly Treatment. To maintain a privacy hedge around the property, the infected plants need to be deep root drenched with a liquid insecticide at least twice a year. This will help to kill the whiteflies and prevent them from laying eggs.

It is important to note that fig whitefly can be resistant to some insecticides. If you have a severe infestation, you may need to contact a pest control professional to get the best results.

Tips for Lawn Pest Control

- Over watering the lawn is actually worse than under watering.
- Mowing too close to the ground can cause grass to be unhealthy.

Enjoy Your Lawn Again Thanks To Our Lawn Pest Control Services